We were delighted to play our part in the recent upgrade of the newly-named Cove nightclub at Swansea University’s Singleton Campus.
Rebound as it was called (or Diva’s for older alumni), the facility underwent a £1.3m refurb at the end of 2024, overseen by main contractors Bbi Group with the electrical element outsourced to Concept Fire & Security who in turn, outsourced it to us.
“Although the timescales were tight on this project,” said Fire Safety specialist James Watts, “we were able to complete the project in plenty of time for the official opening in February 2024.”
With work commencing in December 2023, the project involved a comprehensive suite of services from Plexus FS, including:
Fire Alarm System:
Alongside the installation of 60 Hochiki fire detection units, the Plexus FS team also upgraded the fire panel to accommodate a larger capacity and fitted audio-visual devices, ideal for this type of environment as James Watts Explained.
“Nightclubs tend to be dark and noisy, so traditional sounders are ineffective, however with the numerous interfaces we installed, if the system is triggered, the DJ System cuts off, the lights come on, the doors automatically release and the AV alarm assists with the evacuation process.
James and the team also installed multi-sensor detectors that are designed to pick up on both smoke particles as well as heat levels, however, due to the use of the facility, the system can be adapted accordingly.
“During the day when the club is not in use, the system is set to detect both smoke and heat elements,” said James, “however, with a turn of the key, the system can be set to detect heat only, so if the nightclub is using a smoke canon, the fire alarm system will not be triggered but the system is still active, keeping everyone safe.”
The CCTV team, led by Tom Balfry, also installed 10+ Hikvision units at the site and, to maximise security, the cameras were networked to the University’s HikCentral system for centralised monitoring by the security team.
The cameras were also colour-coded to match the walls and ceilings where they were placed to keep the aesthetic of the look and feel of the club.
Intruder Alarm and Panic Alarm
A Honeywell Galaxy system was installed to keep the facility protected and to keep staff and students safe, a panic alarm was fitted behind the bar that provided a direct link to the security team should an incident occur that required immediate assistance.
Access Control System
A Salto system was installed at the main entry and exit points to control foot flow and access and was included in the University’s Salto database so fobs could be granted to relevant individuals to as and when required.
Wireless battery-powered cylinder locks and handle sets were also installed on the staff doors such as the bar, offices and storerooms.
“This was a great project to be involved in,” said Tom, “and we are proud to continue the work we do to help protect the staff and students at Swansea University.”